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MuscleTech Platinum 100% Glutamine



MuscleTech Platinum 100% Glutamine







AI NUTRITION serves you only TESTED & TRUSTED supplements 😊_x000D_


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SKU: MTG-002 Category: Tag:



  • Ultra-Pure Glutamine: Platinum 100% contains a 5g dose of glutamine which works to rapidly replenish the glutamine used during training. It is the most abundant amino acid found in our blood.
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  • Muscle Repair And Recovery: Platinum 100% glutamine rapidly replenishes what is lost during training. One can lose 50% of their glutamine stores when trained intensely. Glutamine also helps support increased glycogen replenishment.
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  • More Muscle Mass: Glutamine helps support increased cell volume and protein synthesis. Protein synthesis gives you gains, shape, and quick recovery after training like no other.
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  • Perfect For Stacking: Glutamine is tasteless and mixes instantly with any of your drinks. This is a non-stimulant formula that can be used day or night.
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The product information provided here is for reference only. We cannot guarantee 100% accuracy of images, description or any other data with the actual physical product. Cross-check product related information, content and label from the brand customer care before ordering. Consult your doctor or nutritionist before consuming any product._x000D_
AI NUTRITION( is India’s 1st only tested and trusted supplement-selling website, we serve Products from those Brands only which are certified (Lab tested) and of standard quality. Your Fitness matters to us ❤️

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